Friday, 9 March 2012


Oh sorrow
Speak softly of tomorrow

With wings,
My light,
You’ll see it bright
Upon the window’s surfaces
And find, you might,
Your written purposes

Speak loudly, not today
And upon morning’s “hi”,
March not, Dear Beauty
Legs will not secure duty
And fail you

Mistake not, your bright purpose,
And skim to your knight slumber

Misery, be gone!
Flight, take on! 

A Curse Called Sweeping Sleep

Stopping to inhale,
Pulsing subsides
Timelessly fighting,
Frightening lightning,
Spilling sparks on pavement
Fresh to the touch,
But not quite inviting

Sleep finds my eyes,
And stops mysterious cries
Peace at night,
Speaks of rest
Morning brings Strayness
And rest for the restful

Depart I shall not
“Swept away,” I thought

Waking in a Wonder

In the eclipsing caves of the highland
My morning sight gazes
Into the vat of peculiar shimmering water
My chemist mindset finds
Palladium present

The vat empties to somewhere
With the whine of a violin
My ears, a guide
Not that I’d confide

Whispered the morning mist
Green, of the Orchard
And scented of its pears

Seeping out all worries and cares
The Waterstill’s face,
Is below where I stand
Offering a mysterious hand

The Still fills the pool beneath
And runs into the forest
The Keyper there feeds
And fills the land with all its needs

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sea Ribbons